Operation Steal The Bacon - Lake City Attempt

Our 4/15 attempt brought 50 members to Polk City H-D on our initial try to bring TH Bacon back to Gator H-D.  A sunny, warm day provide the backdrop for a massive turn-out from the membership.  Four other chapters also attempted 'raids' but our huge group dominated the ridership, but points for the competition are scored by the formula of riders multiplied by distance (in miles) ridden. While only bringing 28 members, New Smyrna H-D had the mileage advantage - winning by a mere 68 points??...we needed 1 1/2 addition riders to secure the win.

It was an exciting and enjoyable ride with Lake City providing food, drinks and many door prizes to make the challenge memorable.  Thanks to all the members who enthusiastically supported this initial effort.  It was really awesome watching our group of 50 arrive in one mass group...let's do it again!

Stay tuned for upcoming information on out next attempt.

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Posted by US0947708